Monday, November 14, 2011

Randy Jones: The American Dream

Great Great Grandpa Jones was traveling west in the days of wagon trains when his train was attacked by a band of Indians. They slaughtered everyone except for the babies, which were left to die from exposure. But by a stroke of luck another train happened upon the massacre and adopted the babies, bringing them with them to settle in the west.

A single baby, whose only family was dead and he was sure to follow them shortly, by some miracle was rescued and thus produced: Randy Lee Jones. He was born and raised in Salem, Oregon. Through a lifetime of perseverance he raised himself from living in a 12ft long camper, working just to make the rent, to owning and operating a business in the Adult Foster Care field, and being happily married with three children.

By his loved ones he is described as honorable, ethical, intelligent, hard-working, and strong-willed. His nephew, Devin Clifton, thought back fondly to a time he and Jones built a fence together. "He teaches me not just the fundamentals, but life lessons that I can take with me in everything I do." He describes his uncle as knowledgeable: "He knows what he's talking about, not only from books, but from life."

His wife, Kami Jones, said her favorite memory with her husband is their wedding day. "Randy was everything I wanted before I knew what I wanted," said Mrs. Jones. "I became a better person when I began to grow my life with him."

Jones was home schooled, from 8th grade out, in a time when that wasn't exactly legal. His parents told the school that they were moving to Seattle, and then only moved across the city. His mother's rule was that he couldn't leave the house during school hours and had to be learning something the entire time.

Looking back Jones said he considered himself a "social retard". Being social never came easy to him, it was always something he had to work for.

He forged drop out papers when he turned 16 and got his GED. He then taught himself programming on a Commodore Vic-20 computer, that was 20 kilobits, before signing up with the Navy. He was in the Naval Reserve for 8 years, working one weekend a month.

During this time he met and married his first wife, Anissa, they separated 6 months later. Shortly after he met the true love of his life Kami Burgess and her 2 year old son Zachery. They dated on and off, through long distances and short, had 2 children together, Savana in '93, and Hunter in '97, before sealing the deal in '98.

Jones never grew up dreaming of being a Foster Care Provider, but he is grateful for what he has. Through his work he has been able to gain more insight into life. He has come to the conclusion that the root of all problems is abuse, specifically sexual abuse.

"Society, in the whole, acts a lot like borderline personality disorder," said Jones. The root of this disorder is abuse, it's a victim-response disorder. People with this disorder commonly carry on a cycle of abuse. Their parents abused them, so they abuse their children, who in turn will abuse theirs.

He wrote a report on this theory entitled Demosthenes Theekayoseenee, and is devoted to the cause of making people realize that the root of our problems is abuse and what the solution of this is. 

Jones outlined a plan to this solution in his report:

"1) Build an agency infrastructure to begin gathering a base of supports to advocate for victims of child/sex abuse:
(a) Fundraising to establish an operating budget.
(b) Recruiting survivors to raise public awareness and support.
(c) Recruit all interested people and identify useable skills.
(2) Use the agency budget to assist victims of child/sexual abuse:
(a) Recruit and organize Mental Health and Medical providers for follow up care.
(b) Recruit, organize and train victim advocates to support and case manage each victim.
(c) Provide ongoing educational services addressing emotional health.
(d) Identify expert witnesses to assist victims in legal actions.
(e) Assist financially in the prosecution of sexual predators.
(f) Lobby law makers to make reforms to our criminal system to better reduce repeat sex offense.
(3) Given the dire consequence of failing to take action, and the extremely limited time we have, we must petition to change Oregon laws to protect our citizens, such as:
(a) Enact a “Justifiable Homicide” law in certain circumstances, such as a predator approaching a previous victim within 25 feet permits the use of lethal force against said perpetrator (with immunity from civil law suits).
(b) Mandate the use of capital punishment for the third conviction of any sex abuse, or after the first conviction of any aggravated sex abuse. Adult, none disabled offenders only and excluding statutory offenses.
(c) Mandate a minimum 10 year (1) sentence and complete a comprehensive behavior treatment program for the first conviction and at least 10 years and lifetime probation for the second conviction of sex abuse.
(d) Create a special court to fast track all capital punishment cases, because the sentence is mandatory it should also be mandatory that the sentence is carried out immediately after all appeals.
(e) Each event of sex abuse is to be charged separately, thus three convictions may occur from one arrest."

Q: Randy Jones, what is your message to America?
A: "Responsibility is the road to commitment. Commitment is vital to my life and the way I choose to spend it. Without commitment sacrifice is not possible and an unwillingness to sacrifice does not foster ethics. My conviction for ethics has afforded me the strength to fulfill my duties time and time again. Without fail responsibility has led me to honor. Honor is the virtue I treasure most."

At a Glance:

Jones has a long military lineage. His grandfather, Robert Lee Jones, was accidentally drafted into the Navy, mixed up with with his son Robert Lee Jr. Jones. When the navy realized his age they denied him to go as a soldier, instead he was offered the position of Sea Bees' Instructor. His dad was in the army, and his uncles were in the air force.

Contact info:

His Report:
Demosthenes Theekayoseenee

Randy Jones
Kami Jones
Zachery Jones
Savana Burgess-Jones
Hunter Jones

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